4 thoughts on “ESPN Soccer Coverage

  1. Hey I just wanted to let you know, I really like the written material on your web site. But I am using Chromium on a machine running version 8.x of Crashbang Ubuntu and the design aren’t quite satisfactory. Not a important deal, I can still fundamentally read the articles and research for info, but just wanted to inform you about that. The navigation bar is kind of difficult to use with the config I’m running. Keep up the good work!

  2. Good blog. I got a lot of good info. I’ve been following this technology for awhile. It’s fascinating how it keeps changing, yet some of the core elements remain the same. Have you seen much change since Google made their latest acquisition in the arena?

  3. Great article. There’s a lot of good data here, though I did want to let you know something – I am running Ubuntu with the current beta of Firefox, and the look and feel of your blog is kind of flaky for me. I can read the articles, but the navigation doesn’t function so good.

  4. Thanks for writing about this. There’s a mass of good tech information on the internet. You’ve got a lot of that info here on your site. I’m impressed – I try to keep a couple blogs fairly ongoing, but it’s a struggle sometimes. You’ve done a solid job with this one. How do you do it?

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