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The Classic Guide to Football (Review)

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Cover Art Courtesy of Amberley Publishing

C.W. Alcock is one of the beautiful game’s founding fathers. He worked to standardize and modernize the game, but more importantly, he created the world’s oldest football competition in the FA Cup.

My biggest question after reading The Classic Guide to Football is simple. What would Alcock think of the modern game as we know it? Would he be happy with our progress or disappointed by our shortcomings?  You have to read the book to see what he had in mind.  There’s no question that he had a strong vision and was decades ahead of his time.

Amberley Publishing has gotten another one right here, providing something novel and historical at the same time.  Getting back in touch with history is always a valuable thing, especially when looking at sport.  It tells us how far we have come and maybe how far we may have strayed from those original ideals.    

This book is a trade manual, textbook, and a lovely read all in one.  It’s certainly worth a purchase just on the historical value alone.  It’s like a trip back in time in just 160 pages.