Arab Soccer in a Jewish State: The Integrative Enclave by Tamir Sorek is an intriguing, thought-provoking text....
ISN Reads
This book is the most entertaining of all the World Cup titles. Sometimes we take ourselves too...
Hawkey is one of the world’s premier experts on African football. He should be after living in...
Bloody Confused by Chuck Culpepper Sometimes you just need a change. This was certainly the case for...
Farred approaches the content with the eye of a scholar and the pen of a wordsmith. The...
The Global Game is a fascinating text that reminds us about what makes the beautiful game beautiful. It features a...
Words are a bit hard to come by when discussing the virtues of this riveting text. The...
At first glance this looks to be just another text on the history of soccer. There are...
We recently reviewed Indoor Soccer: Strategies and Tactics by Greg Ferguson. It is available from BookSurge Publishing. We...